Summer Upkeep Tips for Your Home Electrical System

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As summer approaches, many homeowners look forward to longer days, abundant sunshine, and the prospect of leisurely afternoons spent in the yard or garden. However, hot summer months can also bring increased energy usage, placing additional demands on your home’s electrical system. Thus, optimizing this system for the summer is crucial to ensure safety, efficiency, and reliability. Here are maintenance and upkeep tips to get your home’s electrical system summer-ready.

Understand Your Home Electrical System

Firstly, familiarize yourself with your home’s electrical system. Know the locations of your circuit breaker, fuse box, and main shut-off. Understand how to safely reset a tripped circuit or replace a blown fuse. Having this knowledge will empower you to act quickly and confidently in case of an emergency. If uncertain, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of professionals for guidance.

Conduct a Visual Inspection

Before summer fully kicks in, visually inspect outlets, switches, and cords for any visible damage or wear left over from the colder months. Look for signs like fraying, cracks, or discoloration. Damaged components can pose a fire hazard and should be replaced immediately by a qualified electrician. Contact us today for a thorough inspection.

Check Your Air Conditioning Unit

Your AC will be working overtime during the summer. Schedule a professional service to clean and check its components, ensuring it operates efficiently. An efficiently running AC unit not only keeps your home cooler but also uses less electricity, reducing your summer energy bills. Consider switching to a smart thermostat to further increase efficiency and lower your cooling costs.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances and Light Bulbs

Consider upgrading older electric appliances to more energy-efficient models, which use less power and reduce the strain on your electrical system. Look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR label, indicating they meet energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Make the switch from incandescent bulbs to LED bulbs to further lower your overall energy usage. Need advice on choosing the right appliances and bulbs? Our experts are here to help you lower your energy consumption!

Install Surge Protectors

Summer storms can bring power surges that may damage your home electrical devices and appliances. Protect your electrical system by installing surge protectors, which help to safeguard your electronics from voltage spikes caused by lightning or other issues. We offer a range of surge protection solutions; consult with our team for personalized recommendations.

Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

With increased electrical use, the risk of electrical fires rises. Ensure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are functioning correctly. Test them monthly, replace batteries as needed, and never disconnect them. If you need new detectors or require assistance with testing, give us a call.

Utilize Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans circulate air, creating a draft that makes the room feel several degrees cooler. This air circulation allows you to leave your thermostat settings at a higher temperature without sacrificing comfort, reducing the load on your AC unit and your electrical system overall.

Landscape Lighting Safety

If you plan to install or already have outdoor lighting, ensure it’s designed for exterior use. Check that all bulbs are secure and that no wires are exposed. Landscape lighting should also be kept away from flammable materials to prevent fires. For professional outdoor lighting solutions and safety assessment, get in touch with us.

Unplug Unused Devices

Even when turned off, many electronics draw power. Unplug devices not in use or invest in smart power strips, which cut off the power supply to electronics that go into standby mode, helping you save on energy costs. Need more tips on how to save on energy costs? Our team is always ready to provide energy-saving advice and solutions.

Schedule a Professional Inspection

Consider scheduling a comprehensive electrical inspection of your entire house by a licensed electrician. Professionals can identify and correct potential issues you might miss, ensuring your system is safe and optimized for summer use. Contact us to book an inspection with our certified professionals today.