Replace Receptacles

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Replace Electrical outlets

A typical Loudoun County home may have anywhere from 75 to 150 electrical receptacles and that does not include surge protection power strips.  In this post we will review some of the reasons to upgrade or replace receptacles.  At the outset, it is worth noting that electrical power flows best with firm fitting connections – anything less can reduce efficiency and pose safety issues.

Whether you want to upgrade your system, save energy and money, or avoid problems down the road, there are several good reasons to replace outlets.  Depending on the quantity and complexity of your upgrade a call to a qualified electrician for an estimate is time well served.

When to Replace Outlets

They’re Coming Loose

Electrical outlets that are too loose can be dangerous. If the interior plug has become loose, electricity won’t travel into the wires and instead will “arc,” which is like a series of tiny lightning strikes. This is a fire hazard.

You’ll know if an outlet is arcing if you hear a humming or buzzing noise coming from it. You should immediately stop using that outlet and call an electrician as soon as possible.

Your House and Outlets are Older

Many homes built before the 1960s have two-pronged outlets. For electrical safety reasons, these need to be replaced with the newer, three-pronged grounded outlets.  One reason for the three prongs was the growth of metal incased appliances and other home goods.

They’re Painted Over

In some older homes in the Washington DC region you will find receptacles with layers of paint may have been slapped over the covers.  Recall firm fitting connections make all the difference when harnessing electricity.  Any receptacles with paint on the cover or plug face should be replaced.  While obvious, we still find instances where “out of sight, out mind” mentality rules.

You’re Redecorating

In some cases, the outlets may be working fine but you’re redecorating and you want to jazz them up. These days, receptacles for USB outlets come in a wide variety of colors and designs, and you can find the ones that coordinate with your décor.

Most design build companies have standing relationships with local electricians.  These local electricians serve as consultants on all elements of home power, lighting and automation, and serve as a great source for guidance.

Electrical Safety

You can never be too safe when you’re handling electricity. A qualified electrician is your best insurance that your replacement project is managed by code.

If you choose to do it yourself, always proceed carefully and follow these tips:

  • Before beginning to work, ALWAYS turn off the power at the circuit breaker and main panels.
  • Be sure to ground the wires correctly.
  • Do not take short cuts.  Firm fitting properly fastened wiring makes all the difference.

It’s Energy Saving

Replacing those worn-out receptacles will not only keep you safe from electrical hazards, it will also save you money. You can switch them out for one of the new, energy saving “smart” outlets available now.

If you’re looking to swap out your old receptacles for any reason, it’s as good as done once you call Southern Electrical Services Company.

Call Us for All Your Electrical Needs

  • We’re a family business that’s been going strong for half a century, and we’ve built this business the old-fashioned way, through honesty, integrity and a commitment to our customers.
  • Our technicians are the best-trained, most safety-conscious electricians.
  • Our constant innovation has kept us ahead of the trends in residential, commercial and industrial sectors.

Now is time for an energy consultation, generator installation, a total rewiring or a green retrofit, we do it all. Call us today and get started on a bright new tomorrow.