When Is the Best Time to Install a Generator?

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Time to Install a Generator?

Standby whole-house generators can keep you going through any kind of weather. Storms won’t bother you because you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home’s power will stay on.

What’s the best time to buy a generator? The fact is that there’s no bad time to buy one, but the best time is spring.

Why Spring Is a Good Season to Install a Generator

Most generator installation companies are busy during the winter and summer. This is typically when most people have been through one or two storms and realized they should get that generator they’re always talking about. During the spring, installers are less busy. Stores have good, ample stocks of generators.

It can take up to two weeks from the time you buy a generator to the day it’s installed. That’s why it’s smart to plan ahead. Ideally, do it in the spring.

Do It Before Hurricane Season

In the Virginia and Maryland region, hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30.

Although these storms can happen at any time, they are more frequent during these months. Meteorologists note that 78% of all storms in the Atlantic seaboard happen between August and November with September as the peak month. If you’re trying to get ready for this busy storm season, get your generator in before the winds start blowing.

Is It Too Late to Install a Generator in Winter?

If you’ve had one power outage already this winter, you may wonder if it’s too late to get a generator. The good news is that it’s never too late. You can buy it and have it installed during the winter.

One problem you might face is wet, snowy, or icy ground that could make it difficult to dig the trench. However, professional installers are used to working in all kinds of weather. If it can be done, they’ll figure out how.

A more serious problem is that it may be hard to find a generator. After a power outage or major storm, there is typically a run on them. If you wait until the last minute, you’ll be competing with everyone else for those same few generators.

Get the Generator You Need Today

At SESCOS, we offer a full line of the best whole-house generators. We also provide expert installation and maintenance to make sure you always have the power you need.